
PAGE 16 THE CATHOLIC WEEK JUNE 22, 2018 ',5(&7,216 7ඉඓඍ , 5ඉඖඏඍඔඑඖඍ 5ඌ 6඗ඝගඐ /ඍඎග ඉග ගඐකඍඍ ඟඉඡ ඛග඗඘ ග඗ 'ඉඝ඘ඐඑඖ ,ඛඔඉඖඌ 3ඉකඓඟඉඡ 7ඉඓඍ කඑඏඐග උක඗ඛඛ )඗ඟඔ 5එඞඍක %කඑඌඏඍ 7ඝකඖ ඗ඖ ඛඍඋ඗ඖඌ ක඗ඉඌ ග඗ ගඐඍ ඔඍඎග 'ඝකඍගගඍ $ඞඍ WK $QQXDO /DZQ 3DUW\ 2Q %HDXWLIXO 0RQ /XLV ,VODQG 6ග 5඗ඛඍ ඗ඎ /එඕඉ 3ඉකඑඛඐ )22' %ඉක % 4 %ඉඊඡ %ඉඋඓ 5එඊඛ a 6ඕ඗ඓඍඌ &ඐඑඋඓඍඖ a )කඑඍඌ &ඉගඎඑඛඐ a $ඔ¶ඛ )ඉඕ඗ඝඛ 6ගඝඎඎඍඌ &කඉඊඛ 6ඐඑකඔඍඡ¶ඛ ຽ -ඍඖඑඎඍක¶ඛ 6ඍඉඎ඗඗ඌ *ඝඕඊ඗ a +඗ග '඗ඏඛ +ඉඕඊඝකඏඍකඛ a +඗ඕඍඕඉඌඍ &ඉඓඍඛ ຽ &ඉඖඌඑඍඛ a ,උඍ &කඍඉඕ ຽ &඗ඔඌ 'කඑඖඓඛ )81 *ඉඕඍඛ ຽ 3කඑජඍ %එඖඏ඗ a 0ඝඛඑඋ a )ඔ඗ඟඍකඛ a 3ඔඉඖගඛ *5$1' 35,=( a 6ඉඕඛඝඖඏ ´ /(' +' 79 a 0඗ඖඍඡ '඗ඔඔ ඌකඉඟඑඖඏඛ ඉග ඘ඕ 6,/(17 $8&7,21 *ඝඔඎ 6ඐ඗කඍඛ &඗ඖඌ඗ a )එඛඐඑඖඏ 7කඑ඘ ຽ 0ඝඋඐ 0඗කඍ Sunday, June 24, 2018 11-5 pm $' 6321625(' %< 3/$7,180 *2/' 6,/9(5 %521=( 0DULD -RKQVRQ ‡ ³6XSHU *LUOV +DORV´ ‡ 3RO\6XUYH\LQJ %LW 6SXU $QLPDO +RVSLWDO ‡ &RWWDJH +LOO &KLURSUDFWLF ‡ 'XPDV +HDW $& ‡ )DUQHOO +HDW $& *UHHU¶V 2OG %D\ 0DUNHW ‡ +HQNHQ //& ‡ +LHURQ\PXV &3$¶V ‡ /DZ *URXS 0LVVLVVLSSL 3HOLFDQ 5HHI 5HVWDXUDQW ‡ (GZLQ 0DU\EHWK 3HWHUV ‡ 6KRUH $FUHV 3ODQW )DUP ‡ 7DSLD )DPLO\ 0DO -DQHW %HDYHUVWRFN ‡ &RQZHOO¶V 3KDUPDF\ ‡ -XOLXV )RVWHU ‡ +DU0DUW //& 5R\DO .QLJKW ‡ 6 6 )DPLO\ ‡ 7 6 :DOO 6RQV &RDVWDO 5HDG\ 0L[ ‡ (VIHOOHU &RQVWUXFWLRQ ‡ )RVGLFN )DPLO\ ‡ 3LFNHWW 5HDO (VWDWH ‡ 0RVWHOODU 0HGLFDO For vocations information contact: Fr. Victor Ingalls, Vocations Director 251-415-3871 • vocations@mobarch.org By Catholic News Service FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla.—New medical directives governing health care partnerships and revisions to the charter on the protection of young people were approved during the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ spring general assembly. During their June 13-14 meeting, the bishops also approved what is described a “pastoral re- sponse” to Asian and Pacific Island Catholics and, after a long discussion, they decided to supplement their quadrennial document on Catholic participa- tion in public life with a short letter, a video and other supplementary materials. The meeting opened with a statement decry- ing Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision that asylum seekers fleeing domestic or gang violence cannot find protection in the United States. “At its core, asylum is an instrument to preserve the right to life,” the bishops’ statement said. They urged the nation’s policymakers and courts “to re- spect and enhance, not erode, the potential of our asylum system to preserve and protect the right to life.” Sessions’ decision “elicits deep concern because it potentially strips asylum from many women who lack adequate protection,” the bishops said. “These vulnerable women will now face return to extreme dangers of domestic violence in their home country.” Just after opening prayer, Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo of Galveston-Houston, USCCB presi- dent, read the statement from the dais, and the bishops voiced their support. In his remarks,Cardinal DiNardo said he joined Bishop Joe S. Vasquez of Austin, Texas, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, “in con- demning the continued use of family separation at the U.S.-Mexican border as an implementation of the administration’s zero tolerance policy.” The bishops voted 183-2 with two abstentions to revise ethical and religious directives govern- ing key moral questions when Catholic and non- Catholic institutions are preparing to cooperate or merge. Under development since 2015, the changes are limited to Part 6 of the “Ethical and Religious Di- rectives for Catholic Health Care Services” devel- oped by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Bishop Robert J.McManus of Worcester,Mas- sachusetts, chairman of the bishops’Committee on Doctrine’s Subcommittee on Health Care, told the assembly the new directives will help bishops de- cide whether a health care partnership can occur under the church’s moral teaching. The bishops also approved changes in language to clarify several articles of the “Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.” The changes are the first since 2011 as the work to up- date the document took several years longer than planned to wind through the review process estab- lished by the bishops. The vote was 185-5 with one abstention to en- act the changes. USCCB Bishops OKdirectives, abuse charter revisions