
MARCH 8, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 17 ST. COLUMBA PARISH, DOTHAN Submitted by Honor Kleinschnitz St. Columba Parish in Dothan had the pleasure of presenting a check for $8,100 to the Chrysalis Home for Girls after their third annual Lundi Gras fundraiser on Monday, Feb. 12. They extend a huge thank you to all those who so generously supported this event! Over the past three years, St. Columba has been honored to raise more than $20,000 for the Chrysalis Home For Girls. CHRIST THE KING CATHOLIC SCHOOL, DAPHNE Submitted by Jennifer Jenkins For The Catholic Week DAPHNE — Christ the King Catholic School eight-grader Stella Pavao recently deliv- ered 120 Blessing Bag “Survival Kits” on behalf of the school to members of the City of Daphne Police Department to thank the city’s First Re- sponders for their service. As part of the Drug Education Council’s Character Counts initiative, Pavao received the Superintendent’s Red Ribbon Leadership Award for Christ the King Catholic School. These student leaders work with their school’s Red Ribbon Coordinator to lead activities on their school campus during Red Ribbon Week in October and are also challenged to plan and execute a community service project to help their peers build a connection to the community and encourage healthy lifestyle choices. Pavao’s schoolwide community service project coincides with this year's theme, "We Love Our Veterans & First Responders!” She organized ef- forts across the entire student body at CTKCS to gather donations of different types of candy and treats to make blessing bag “survival kits” for local law enforcement officers at the City of Daphne Police Department. “I wanted this project to show our entire school’s appreciation for First Responders so I decided Blessing Bags would be the perfect idea,” Pavao said. “Working with everyone on this schoolwide project made me feel like we connect- ed in a meaningful way and for a good cause too. I couldn’t be more proud of all the work we did.” Schools in Mobile and Baldwin Counties each nominated one student to receive the Leader- ship Award, who exemplify pillars of character - trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. In addition to the char- acter pillars, CTKCS teachers and eighth-grade students nominated and selected students who consistently model Christian leadership by liv- ing examples of the virtues of service, prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance, and charity. “We are so proud of Stella's leadership and our community's involvement in this service project,” said Christ the King Catholic School Principal Jackie Garlock. “Christ the King Catholic School extends a heartfelt 'thank you' to our police offi- cers for their unwavering dedication and service.” Eighth-grader Pavao honors Daphne First Responders Submitted by Jennifer Jenkins Christ the King Catholic School eighth-grader Stella Pavao delivered "Survival Kits" to First Responders for the City of Daphne Police Department. By Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Jesus did not teach his disciples to organize agencies and structures to help vulnerable people, but gave the example of encountering them, listening to them and helping them as individuals and not "categories" of people in need, Pope Francis said. "Jesus wanted to form his disciples in a style of living in contact with the vulner- able, in the midst of them," the pope wrote in a speech prepared for his meeting March 1 with a group of Italians attending a four-day seminar on "Vulnerability and Community: Between Welcome and Inclusion." While the pope met the group and took time to greet each participant personally, he had an aide read his prepared text because, he said, he continues to suffer from cold symptoms. Participants in the seminar came from a variety of parishes, associations and movements that work with the poor, with migrants, with incarcerated people and with those who have mobility issues or different forms of disability. Christians today, like Jesus' disciples 2,000 years ago, need to see how he encountered people and welcomed them— "his closeness, his compassion, his tenderness," the pope's text said. Jesus accepts a person's fragility so they can accept others, pope says ByThe CatholicWeek MOBILE — As March 17 falls on a Sunday,The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Saturday, March 16 with Mass and a parade in downtown Mobile. ArchbishopThomas J. Rodi will celebrate Mass at 10 a.m. at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Fr. Austin Conry, retired priest of the Archdiocese of Mobile, will be the homilist. The parade will take place following Mass. FRIENDLY SONS OF ST. PATRICK Annual Mass, parade set forMarch 16