
PAGE 6 THE CATHOLIC WEEK MARCH 8, 2024 By Anne Baggett Looking back S C R I P T U R E S E A R C H 50 Years The Catholic Week cele- brated its 40th anniversary. Ed O’Connell was the first editor. Clergy appointments: Fr. Thomas Leonard, first resi- dent pastor of Christ the King Parish, Andalusia; Fr. Francis Murphy, pastor of St. Maurice Parish, Brewton; and Fr. John Walton, pastor of St. Joan of Arc Parish, Mobile. Officers of the Student Government Association of McGill-Toolen High: Tom Lyons, president; Roxanne Isom, vice president; Beth Browning, secretary; and Dru Hedberg, treasurer. Dr. Sam Eichold was named medical director of the Allen Memorial Home. ArchbishopThomas J. Toolen celebrated his 88th birthday. Diane Dixon, Terry Ger- man, and Nelson Williams, St. Jude Catholic High School seniors, were named finalists in the 1974 National Achieve- ment Scholarship Program. Fr. Oliver Adams, pas- tor of St. Matthew Parish, Mobile, announced that the parish school would close at the completion of the current school year. The Religion Curriculum Committee of the Catholic School Office, under the chair- manship of Sr. Paul Bernadette Bounk, C.S.J., presented results of a five-month study to Sr. Dominic Hyde, R.S.M., associ- ate superintendent of schools. The City of St. Jude Catho- lic Church lost one of their dedicated benefactors due to the transfer of Fr. Salvatore Costaghela, Catholic chaplain at Gunter Air Force Base. A historic marker was unveiled in front of the Portier Home, 307 Conti St., Mobile, the residence of Bishop Portier, the first Bishop of Mobile. New officers of St. Bar- tholomew’s Altar Society, El- berta, were Louise Hagendor- fer, president; Eva Krauss, vice president; Mary Kane, treasur- er; Alma Docge, secretary; and Beulah Vargo, Sunshine Girl. 25 Years Catholic Charities Appeal for 1999 achieved a final total of $3,415,055. According to Rev. Paul G. Zoghby, direc- tor of Catholic Charities, the total was $296,000 more than in 1998, the largest single year increase in the 68 years of the appeal. The new McGill-Toolen Catholic High School athletic complex was dedicated and blessed. The new complex was formally named the Archbish- op Oscar H. Lipscomb Athletic Complex. Christ the King Catholic School in Daphne celebrated its Golden Jubilee. The in- struction began in 1949. Fr. Denis Grey was pastor and undertook the building of the school. It opened its doors on Sept. 5, 1950 and the first school building housed 100 students in grades 1-8. On the 50th anniversary, approximately 500 students attended in grades K-8. Serving as pastor dur- ing the Jubilee celebration was Msgr. Timothy Deasy and Sr. Maureen Nolan, as principal. McGill-Toolen student Stephen Goula was chosen as member of the Alabama High School All Star Football Team, for the Alabama-Mississippi All Star Classic. He received a football grant-in-aid to Auburn University. Fr. Mark C. Mages, O.S.B., monk of St. Bernard Abbey and native of Cullman, died at the age of 86 in Cullman. During his ministry, he served in many areas of the South in- cluding Elberta, Lillian, Foley, Florence and Tuscumbia. The Central Alabama Laubach Literacy Council of St. Jude was awarded a $1,000 grant by Central Alabama Community Foundation to fund tutor training workshops. Sr. Mary Joyce Bringer, prin- cipal of Little Flower Catholic School, announced that a local chapter of the National Junior Beta Club, a leadership/service organization for junior high school students, was established at the school. — Anne Baggett compiles information for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile. Gospel for March 17, 2024 John 12:20-33 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Fifth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B: Jesus prepares for his Passion. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. GREEKS WORSHIP PHILIP GALILEE SON OF MAN FALLS GROUND AND DIES PRODUCES SERVE ME HONOR TROUBLED FATHER A VOICE CROWD THUNDER ANGEL JUDGMENT WORLD DRIVEN DEATH VOICE OF THUNDER S E C U D O R P E D R E F E W O R S H I P E E J A R R E H T A F H L D H L W K V E N A N I B N T L J L V E E D L L U U A S O N O F M A N I O H E D N U O R G E D P R T D N E V I R D C C O T W L A N A E L U I N I O T E P O E R F J O D R O B G H K O H C H O C B N V N S W I K O S E I D D N A © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com Gospel for March 10, 2024 John 3:14-21 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, Cycle B: Jesus speaks of being “lifted up.” The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. MOSES LIFTED UP SERPENT OF MAN SO LOVED WORLD HE GAVE HIS ONLY SON IN HIM PERISH SEND CONDEMN ALREADY THE NAME VERDICT LIGHT PEOPLE DARKNESS EVIL HATES EXPOSED THE VERDICT? S E N D A D E S O P X E N O S Y L N O S I H V O M A L W K V E R D I C T E L M O T H G I L N I H D V C F V S J I L A N E N H A S O E F Y F V H N O S V G L T D E B N I A C I G P E A R L D A M M F R O D E H B C R O I E D E U R C H O P S O D X P P L S E R P E N T W S D A R K N E S S V B O P © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com 7EºATº-OBILEº&UNERALº(OMEºANDº#REMATORYºAREº HONOREDºANDºPRIVILEGEDºTOºSERVEºYOURºFAMILY %XCEPTIONALºSERVICE "ESTºPRICE .OºCOMPARISON & $% # % % $% ! + " &+ & " + ()+ % " + + + + + $+ !) + ' # )%'*+