
PAGE 14 THE CATHOLIC WEEK MARCH 22, 2024 The Archdiocesan Directory includes valuable information: Mass schedules • Seminarians • Deacons • Parishes • Priests • Organizations • Institutions • Monasteries • Convents • Religious Communities • And Much More! 2024 DIRECTORY OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF MOBILE 2024 Archdiocesan Directory Order Email Claudia Sims at csims@mobarch.org Mail to: The Catholic Week; P.O. Box 349; Mobile, AL 36601 251-434-1543 Please reserve _______ copies of the Directory of the Archdiocese of Mobile. x $18 per copy = _______________ + shipping/handling Please check one: □ Total payment enclosed: $ _________________ or, □ Please bill me Please check one: □ To be picked up or, □ To be mailed Organization ____________________________________________________ Name __________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ City ________________________________ State _______ Zip____________ Telephone number Directories picked up at The Catholic Week office (356 Government St. Mobile) $18 each. To have your directory mailed Send $18 each plus shipping and handling: $6 for one directory $12 for 2-to-5 directories.