
MARCH 22, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 15 7EºATº-OBILEº&UNERALº(OMEºANDº#REMATORYºAREº HONOREDºANDºPRIVILEGEDºTOºSERVEºYOURºFAMILY %XCEPTIONALºSERVICE "ESTºPRICE .OºCOMPARISON & $% # % % $% ! + " &+ & " + ()+ % " + + + + + $+ !) + ' # )%'*+ ST. COLUMBA PARISH, DOTHAN Photo submitted by Honor Kleinschnitz Parishioners and benefactors of the St. Columba Parish Life Teen group on its trip to ACYC 2024 in Orange Beach last month. Four chaperones and 30 teens attended the weekend youth conference. BLESSED FRANCIS XAVIER SEELOS PARISH, SPANISH FORT Submitted by Monde Donaldson Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos Parish in Spanish Fort held its annual Francis Fest on the fourth Sunday of Lent. It kicked off with a second line parade led by Pastor Fr. Jim Cink and Deacon Steve Nelson. There was face painting, a barbecue competition, silent auction, bingo, lots of games for the kids, plant sales, hayrides and even a petting zoo. Pray for Vocations For more information contact: Fr. Patrick Gilbreath, Vocations Director vocations@mobarch.org