
MARCH 22, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 17 LEFT: The Order of Impalas Mardi Gras parade is a long time tradition complete with elabo- rate floats and even Mardi Gras royalty! All hail Queen Audrey Johnston! RIGHT: SGA representatives volunteered for the “ice bucket challenge” to raise funds for their service project. Each student could donate $1 for a chance to “ice” an SGA member. It was good, cold fun and was a successful fundraising campaign. ABOVE: Student Government Association president Graham Mayhall leads induction for younger SGA members. ABOVE RIGHT: Fifth-graders had a great time at Colonial Day on campus. They churned butter, made whirly gigs and par- ticipated in many activities representing that time in history. RIGHT: St. Ignatius believes STEM is the way to form future scientists! They love experiments which engage, challenge and encourage students to have fun with Sci- ence. LEFT: Second-graders sang loud and proud on the alter steps during their annual Christ- mas, Caroles, Cookies & Cocoa program! All the cookies and cocoa were enjoyed post performance.