
PAGE 6 THE CATHOLIC WEEK MARCH 22, 2024 By Anne Baggett Looking back S C R I P T U R E S E A R C H 50 Years Clergy appointments in- clude: Fr. Peter Cunningham, appointed to the staff of the Diocesan Tribunal; Fr. Stanley J. Gembala, associate pastor Resurrection Parish, Mont- gomery; and Fr. George Reskey, appointed to the staff of the Diocesan Tribunal and associ- ate pastor St. Vincent de Paul, Tillman’s Corner. New members and officers of St. Mary Parish Council, Mobile, were Steve Kahalley, president; Dottie Franco, vice- president; Tom Steeley, Ber- nie Diamond, Dennis Duffy, Sr. Joan Elle Brown, Hayes Thompson, Clair Lagman, Pe- ter Banks, Dan Sullivan, Steve Verchevre, Julia Cash, Ruth Kennedy, Phil Gonzales, and Melvin Malet. Are you interested in a volunteer role where you really know you are making a difference for some of the most vulnerable children in our community? CASA volunteers make a life-changing difference for a child. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers advocate for the best-interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Volunteers work to ensure that judges have all the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions for each child. More volunteers are desperately needed. There's a child waiting for someone like you. CASA Mobile conducts several new volunteer training courses each year. If you believe you are ready to change a child's story please visit casamobile.org to find out more or call 251-574-5277. HOPE NEEDS A HELPING HAND. Become a CASA volunteer! Sr. Anne Durack, principal of St. Monica Catholic School, celebrated her Silver Jubilee. The McGill-Toolen band was set to present five concerts in Spain during the month of March. Eagle Scout Award recipi- ents at St. Philip Neri Catholic Church Troop 26 were Ben Douglas, Ryan Jones, Steve Keeley, John Miller, Kenny Newman and Ray Pieper. St. Jude Catholic High School captured the Area 5 Tournament championship and advanced to the Region 3 Area 5 finals. Carlton Ross was named to the all-tournament team. Fr. Albert Kelly of Little Flower Parish delivered the homily at the St. Patrick’s Day liturgy at the Cathedral-Basili- ca of the Immaculate Concep- tion. Altar Sodality officers of St. Philip Neri Parish, Belle Fontaine, were: Homer Tipp, Jr., president; Anthony Col- lins, vice president; Mary Noel, secretary; and Evelyn Crabtree, treasurer. McGill-Toolen boys varsity basketball team advanced to the state playoffs for the fifth straight year. Toni Morrison, president of the senior class of St. Margaret School of Nursing, Montgom- ery, was chosen as Alabama’s Outstanding Nursing Student during the state’s Association of Nursing Students convention in Mobile. Members of the Mobile CYO all star basketball squad were: Randy Copeland, Mike Betbeze, Alex Naman; Eddie Thompson; David Campbell; Ken Covington, David Rittle- meyer, Joe Sweeney, Phillip Steel, Curt Wilson, J. Dona- ghey, Ken Aubin, Steve Brooks and K. McCarthy. 25 Years Pope John Paul II lifted the standard five-year waiting period for investigating the sainthood cause of Mother Teresa. According to sources in Rome, it is the first time such an exception has been made. The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick held its the 46th an- nual celebration of the St. Patrick’s Day Mass at the Cathedral-Basilica of the Im- maculate Conception in down- town Mobile. Grand Marshal of the parade was James B. McDonough Jr. Officers of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick were: Buck Curren, president; John Rabbiett, corresponding secretary; Pat Smitherman, recording secretary; and David Wilson, treasurer. Ladies of Charity Sham- rock Sale was held in parishes throughout Mobile. Chairman was Natalie Risner, assisted by Ida Holtz. Dorothy Robinson and Barbara McLamb were invested into St. Jude Ladies of Charity at the group’s monthly Mass. St. Columba Parish, Dothan, hosted Marriage Renewal and Valentine’s Day Dance with 189 attendees. Good times were shared by all with the “Moonlighters” providing the entertainment. McGill-Toolen’s varsity boys’ basketball team defeated Central Tuscaloosa 57-37 in sub-state action to advance in the regional championship game against LeFlore. University of Alabama Capstone Scholars from Mobile were Heather Fuqua, Jeremy Green,Tim Laurence, James Perrien, Judson Sanders, Denny Savage and Rick Stuardi. The Archdiocese of Mobile donated $45,389 to Catholic Relief Services for the Hurri- cane Mitch emergency fund. Sr. Mary Agnes Lorio, S.S.J.D., who taught in Mobile, Alabama, died at St. Mary of the Pines in Chatawa, Miss. — Anne Baggett compiles in- formation for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile.