
APRIL 5, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 9 Visit Facebook.com/mobilearchdiocese for video and more photos Several college students from throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile were baptized and entered into full Communion with the Catholic Church at Easter Vigil Masses on March 30. In Auburn alone, 23 Auburn University students had been preparing to be baptized and received into full communion in the Catholic faith, according to St. Michael the Arch- angel Parish Pastor Msgr. Michael Farmer. One reason for the wonderful numbers is be- cause of campus ministry programs, such as FOCUS - Fellowship of Catholic University Students. Programs such as FOCUS are funded by the Catholic Charities Appeal. Thanks to the Appeal, college students throughout the archdiocese have entered the Church. Praise God for such wonderful growth! ABOVE: Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi and Msgr. Farmer join some of the Auburn students during the Rite of the Elect and Call to Continu- ing Conversion at St. Michael the Archangel Parish on Feb. 17. Contact Claudia Sims to advertise in The Catholic Week csims @mobarch.org or 251-434-1543