
PAGE 6 THE CATHOLIC WEEK APRIL 19, 2024 50 Years Former Little Flower teacher Sr. Romana Brey passed away. Archie Shaw, Derrick Simpson and Walter White, McGill-Toolen varsity basket- ball players, were named to the all-county team. Frank A. Ahn, administra- tor of Providence Hospital, announced a $268,000 capital improvement project. Fr.William Kidwell, S.J., was appointed diocesan director of campus ministry. Sr. Euphemia Baschnagel, D.C., director of the dietary department of Providence Hos- pital, was named Outstanding Dietition of Alabama. Winners of the regional sci- ence fair from St. Bede Catholic School were Kathy Brunstrom and Sherri Phillips. Lawrence J. McKinney suc- ceeded Ken L. Lott as chair- man of the Providence School of Nursing advisory board. Sr.Margaret Reilly,O.P., for- mer teacher at Most Pure Heart of Mary Catholic School, died in Milwaukee. Mike McKibbon, eighth grade student at Little Flower Catholic School, won the dioc- esan spelling bee. 25 Years Bieu V. Nguyen, of the Archdiocese of Mobile, was one of 19 seminarians from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia to celebrate their candidacy for the Sacred Orders of Deacon. Sr. Leo Marie Reynolds, S.L., passed away at the moth- erhouse infirmary. Sr. Leo Ma- rie served 30 years in different capacities at Queen of Mercy, Montgomery, and approximate- ly 10 years as CCD coordinator at St. Andrew Parish. Knights of Columbus 893 raised funds from their 1998 Tootsie Roll drive for the City of St. Jude Catholic Church. This fundraiser has raised more than $170,000 in 20 years. Four educators from St. Ignatius Catholic School were featured speakers at the National Catholic Educational Association convention in New Orleans. Presenters were: Mary Roberts, kindergarten; Jackie Mills, preschool; Patricia Sullivan, fifth grade; and Janet Murray, principal. The McGill-Toolen Catholic High School Lady Jacket golf team, winners of five consecutive Alabama state championships, received the National High Schools Coaches Association recognition as the fifth ranked- team in the United States among women’s high school teams.Tom Buhring coached the team led by All American Leigh Buhring and all state performer Amy Ankerson. The annual conference of the Christus Theological Institute was held at Spring Hill Col- lege and was presented by Dr. Bernard McGinn, professor of theology at the University of Chicago Divinity School, speaking on the topic “’ I Will Come Again To JudgeThe Liv- ing AndThe Dead’: The Last Judgment In Western Culture.” The McGill-Toolen Catholic High School 1996 graduate and valedictorian, Katherine (Kit) Elise Perrien, won the John Fraser Ramsey award, recogniz- ing her “with the versatility of gifts and attainments as well as the breadth of excellence in mind and character that have traditionally been the goals of a liberal arts education.” St. Jude Catholic High School junior,Charlie Edward Hudson III, won the first-place plaque in recognition of his winning essay in the Ronald McDonald House Charities Future Black Leaders scholarship program. — Anne Baggett compiles in- formation for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile. By Anne Baggett Looking back S C R I P T U R E S E A R C H Gospel for April 21, 2024 John 10:11-18 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Easter Cycle B: Good Shepherd Sunday. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. GOOD SHEPHERD LAYS DOWN HIRED SEES A WOLF COMING LEAVES RUNS AWAY SCATTERS KNOW ME FATHER OTHER BELONG THIS FOLD I MUST IN ORDER AGAIN NO ONE TAKES IT POWER COMMAND SEES A WOLF I M U S T L B E L O N G L A F E D M E M W O N K A N G V T A K E S I T D Y A W A S N U R M J O R S N P E I E P O W E R E D I R L G N C D E R I H O L E W K O O T H E R P W Y H O M O O R A L L E N T T M Y N X D D M M H E R A F L O W A S E E S H N F G S C A T T E R S D L O F S I H T C O M P © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com Gospel for April 28, 2024 1 John 3:18-24 / John 15:1-8 Following is a word search based on the Second and Gospel readings for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Cycle B: about love and vines. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. CHILDREN SPEECH DEED TRUTH RECEIVE PLEASES HIM IN THE NAME LOVE ONE ANOTHER GIVEN TRUE VINE BRANCH PRUNES DO NOTHING THROWN WITHER FIRE BURNED WORDS GLORIFIED DISCIPLES GROW IN FAITH G I V E N E R D L I H C J O D E V I E C E R M D D O N O T H I N G I E O I T L E D W I T H E R T S H C N A R B S D A N R C R E M A N E H T N I U I O T H B S O R H A S E P W K R A U D T I K E V L N W E U E R R H F N I E I L Y A T H N O E U N S P E E C H H O E W R E B G L O R I F I E D P K © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com Are you interested in a volunteer role where you really know you are making a difference for some of the most vulnerable children in our community? CASA volunteers make a life-changing difference for a child. Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteers advocate for the best-interests of children who have experienced abuse or neglect. Volunteers work to ensure that judges have all the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions for each child. More volunteers are desperately needed. There's a child waiting for someone like you. CASA Mobile conducts several new volunteer training courses each year. If you believe you are ready to change a child's story please visit casamobile.org to find out more or call 251-574-5277. HOPE NEEDS A HELPING HAND. Become a CASA volunteer!