
BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MASS Volume 90, Number 22 Official Publication of the Archdiocese of Mobile November 1, 2024 C ൺඍඁඈඅංർ W ൾൾ඄ Tඁൾ CATHOLIC SCHOOLS I NSIDE T HIS W EEK @mobilearchdiocese Follow: Visit: mobarch.org Page 15 Toy Bowl raises more than $100,000 for CYO activities. By ROB HERBST The Catholic Week November is Black Catholic History Month and the Archdiocese of Mobile’s Department of Multi- cultural Ministry will recognize the month in a number of ways. In recognition of the month, ArchbishopThomas J. Rodi will celebrate Mass at 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 16 at Prince of Peace Parish in Mobile. Fr. Stephen Sohe, S.S.J., former pastor of St. Joseph Maysville and current pastor at Church of the Incarnation in Washington, D.C., will be the homilist. The celebration will begin with praise and worship at 3 p.m. from the Prince of Peace youth choir and St. Joseph Parish praise team. A recep- tion and program will follow the Mass at 5:15 p.m. The archdiocese will also celebrate the six African-American candidates for sainthood - Venerable Fr. Augus- tus Tolton, Venerable Pierre Tous- saint, Venerable Mother Henriette DeLille, Venerable Mother Mary When : 4 p.m. Nov. 16 Where: Prince of Peace Parish, Mobile Celebrant: Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi Homilist; Fr. Stephen Sohe, S.S.J. More : mobarch.org/ black-catholic-ministry BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH Celebrations scheduled throughout archdiocese 90 YEARS OF PROVIDING HOPE CITY OF ST. JUDE PARISH Historic City of St. Jude in Montgomery celebrates proud history By ROB HERBST The Catholic Week Much has happened and much has changed throughout the City of St. Jude’s proud history, but “hope” has never departed the parish. ArchbishopThomas J. Rodi celebrated Mass on Oct. 27 at St. Jude in Montgomery to recognize the parish’s 90th anniversary.The City of St. Jude has been at the forefront of championing human rights, social justice and bringing the light of Christ to those in Montgomery. “I want the people of the Archdiocese of Mobile to know that this is a place that they can be proud of, a place to visit and celebrate uplifting and important Catholic history, a place that still has something to say to all of us today: that no one is truly ever without hope, especially if they have Jesus,” said Fr. Andrew Jones, pastor of St. Jude Parish, who also delivered the homily during the anniversary Mass. “We exist as a parish to provide hope to those without it, See ST. JUDE, Page 2 See MONTH, Page 2 Photos courtesy of Christian Delburn/For The Catholic Week TOP: Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi celebrated Mass on Oct. 27 at City of St. Jude Parish in Montgomery to recognize the par- ish's 90th anniversary. ABOVE: Fr. Andrew Jones, pastor, de- livers the homily.