NOVEMBER 1, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 11 CONTACT CLAUDIA SIMS TO ADVERTISE IN THE CATHOLIC WEEK CSIMS @MOBARCH.ORG OR 251-434-1543 . ,.#(!5 . ,5 ",#-.' - /=8C > 8*5=:C .5=83$A:C )52$C ;5C ;)$C 58#C 8$C : =3*7=$C :C 5=8C &*3($868*3;: C )AC #*#C ?$C 0$ >$ C )AC #*#C ?$C 8$;=83 ) 8*3(C*:C$3"5=8 ($#C!=;C35;C8$7=*8$# 5?C8$;=83*3(C ;)50*":C" 3C(85?C*3C& *;)C 3#C$>$3C 0$ #C:52$C5&C5=8C25:;C*2658; 3;C2*3*:;8*$: C 5?C 8$C?$C$ ")C" 00$#C*3C 5=8C#*&&$8$3;C? A:C;5C05>$C 3#C:$8>$C;)$C 58# C $:=:C6$8:53 00AC( >$C=:C *:C "8 2$3;:C :C5=;? 8#C :*(3:C5&C *:C05>$C 3#C(8 "$C;5C)$06C=:C(85?C*3C& *;) C )*:C:$::*53C?*00C $26) :*B$C;)$C "8 2$3;C5&C2$"53"*0* ;*53 C;)$C( ;$? AC;5C;)$C 58# ͛ :C 25:;C*2658; 3;C "8 2$3; C;)$C 50AC =") 8*:; $:=:C8$>$ 0:C *:C#*>*3$C60 3C&58C=:C;)85=()C;)$C *!0$C 3#C ;$")*:2 C )*:C:$::*53C!$(*3:C;5C=36 "/C;)$C2A:;*" 0C $3"5=3;$8C?*;)C $:=:C;) ;C*:C > *0 !0$C;5C=:C*3C;)$C :: $C "53;*3=$C !AC $@6058*3(C ;)$C :: ͛ :C 2 B*3(C :=22 8AC 5&C ?) ;C ?$C ;)50*":C !$0*$>$C !5=;C 5=8C 8$ ;58 C ;)$C 50AC 8*3*;A C ;)$8 C 53C 3#C 50AC 6*8*; $C"53"0=#$C!AC$@6058*3(C?)AC;)*:C25:;C: "8$#C 2A:;$8AC*:C ͞ ;)$C:5=8"$C 3#C:=22*;C5&C;)$C )8*:;* 3C0*&$ ͟ C;) ; :;8$3(;)$3:C=:C;5C05>$C 3#C:$8>$C;)$C 58#C 3#C53$C 35;)$8 C # & $ # #! # # #" # # #! # !!! ! # # # # # #! # # # # # # # # # # ByThe CatholicWeek MONTGOMERY — For 70 years, Our Lady Queen of Mercy Catholic Church has been a blessing for Catholics, the city of Montgomery and the Archdio- cese of Mobile. In 1954, Fr. Joseph Toomy and a group of Catholic families formed a new parish to serve the needs of a growing city.The first Mass was Nov. 7, 1954, in the Cover- dale Public School. Mass was held there until the new church building was com- pleted. Finally, Midnight Mass, Christmas Eve, 1955, the first Mass was held at the permanent home of Our Lady Queen of Mercy. Now, 70 years later, the parish is holding a “family reunion.”As families do, mem- bers have moved to new parishes, cities and even countries. Numerous events have already been completed but many more are planned. 5 p.m. Nov. 7 - Mass celebrated by ArchbishopThomas J. Rodi. A reception will follow. 4 p.m. Nov. 8 - Mass in honor of the Adoration Chapel followed by a reception. 10 a.m. Nov. 9 – Mass in honor of Our Lady Queen of Mercy School, followed by a reception. - Please RSVP by calling 334-288-2850, emailing Admin@olqm.org, or texting 334- 590-8150. Proceedings can also be followed on Facebook.com/OLQMchurch OUR LADY QUEEN OF MERCY PARISH, MONTGOMERY Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish celebrating its 70th anniversary Submitted by Rick Eakin Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish in Montgomery is celebrating its 70th anniversary. Nu- merous events are scheduled, including Mass celebrated by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi at 5 p.m. Nov. 7. By JESSICA DEESE For The Catholic Week FAIRHOPE — College Board announced that St. Michael Catholic High School has been named to the 2024 Advanced Placement Program School Honor Roll, earning GOLD distinction. College Board’s Advanced Placement Program enables students to pursue college-level studies—with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both—while still in high school.Through AP courses in 38 sub- jects, each culminating in a challenging exam, students learn to think critically, construct solid arguments, and see many sides of an issue—skills that prepare them for college and beyond. The AP School Honor Roll recognizes schools whose AP programs are delivering results for students while broadening access. Schools can earn this recognition annually based on criteria that reflect a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness. St. Michael Catholic High School had 51.76 percent of seniors who took at least one AP Exam during high school and 36.471 percent took five or more. 66 percent of these students scored a three or higher on at least one AP Exam. St. Michael Catholic High School has 10 faculty members that teach 19 sec- tions of our 12 available AP courses. “AP gives students an opportunity to engage with college-level work, to earn college credit and placement, and to potentially boost their grade point averages,” said Lisa East, dean of academics. ST. MICHAEL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, FAIRHOPE St. Michael named to Advanced Placement School Honor Roll Submitted by Jessica Deese St. Michael Catholic High School in Fairhope was recently named to the 2024 Ad- vanced Placement Program School Honor Roll, with GOLD Distinction.
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