PAGE 6 THE CATHOLIC WEEK NOVEMBER 1, 2024 By Anne Baggett Looking back Gospel for November 3, 2024 Mark 12: 28b-34 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B: summarizing 10 commandments with two. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. FIRST LORD OUR GOD YOU SHALL LOVE HEART YOUR SOUL STRENGTH NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF GREATER TEACHER HE IS ONE NO OTHER THEN ALL BURNT OFFERINGS NOT FAR KINGDOM NO ONE DARED HE IS ONE A N A N R O B H G I E N I A S G N I R E F F O O L Y S H D B U R N T M O U O U Y E V O L F J O N O U R T O A D A R E D E S S D D O U R G O D G L R H T G N E R T S J N W U A K K H E U S S J I K O L U T A C H O E R K P Y L O T H E N A L L I N J O E N O S I E H O F F N R E H C A E T L I L Y © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com Gospel for November 10, 2024 Hebrews 9: 24-28 / Mark 12: 38-44 Following is a word search based on the Second and Gospel readings for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B: about our High Priest. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. HANDS HEAVEN PRIEST SUFFER WORLD BEWARE SEATS HONOR DEVOUR PRAYERS CONDEMNATION SAT DOWN OPPOSITE MONEY PEOPLE LARGE TWO COINS WIDOW CONTRIBUTED OUT OF POVERTY TWO COINS A N A N J O H E A V E N Y C H H E Y F O T U O S L C O A E G H S L I P U I H O N O R R E T K P F N W O D T A S A W P O F E M M S D R N T L O S E L I L Y E M I S D V I R P O L Y E F O B V E T U O R A D O H C U U R E O E R N W I D O W K T Y V P O F E R A W E B Y E E C P R I E S T W O R L D © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com 50 Years St. Bridget Parish,Whistler, celebrated its 100th anniver- sary. Thirty priests had served the parish by that time, with Fr. Andrew Stauter as pastor at the time of the dedication. Bishop John L.May dedicat- ed St.Mary Catholic Church, the first Catholic church in Geneva County. Fr. Brendan Keller served as pastor. Mildred McLaney, eighth- grade student at Corpus Christi Catholic School, won first prize in an essay contest sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School football team ran their record to 5-1 by defeating Montgomery Acad- emy 35-19. Bishop John L.May dedicat- ed the new educational building built to serve St. John Parish, Enterprise. Emma Cortez Harris, who dedicated her life to work at the Mobile Public Library, celebrat- ed her 100th birthday at Allen Memorial Home. Representing McGill-Toolen Catholic High School as Azalea Trail Maids were Mary Par Veor, Deedi Dowling and Linda Perry. Christian Encounter II, directed by Br.Michael Jacques, S.S.E., was held at Visitation Monastery for young adults between ages 16-24. St. Jude Catholic School Pirates, led by Wyman Feagin, defeated Union Springs 7-3. CCD teachers at St. Bede Catholic Church,Montgomery: Sandy Irish, Patricia Sweet, Sue Coston, Lynn Downes,Mary Penning, Ann Gonzalez, Linda Richardson,Mary Hight, An- dretta Mainor,Marie Sanford, Judy Hornsby,Mary Schaum, Mary Lee Flagg, Page Cutcliffe, Terri O’Connor and Adrienne Licari. Rhonda Davis and David Field,Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School students, were selected as members of Exchange National Bank’s junior board of directors. 25 Years Internationally known Rev. George Clements was the banquet speaker for the 64th annual Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women conven- tion at the Governor’s House Hotel and Conference Center in Montgomery. Attorney Linda Collins Jensen and Rev.Mr.William Dolan, director of planned giving and stewardship for the Archdiocese of Mobile, were the featured speakers at the annual meeting and luncheon of the ACCW Baldwin-Escambia Deanery at St. Bartholomew Catholic Church in Elberta. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School graduate, Dee Dee Wade, was selected to represent Auburn University of Montgomery, as a cheerleader for the 1999-2000 school year. McGill-Toolen Catholic High School seniors, Anji Wall and Chris Rux, were nominated for the sixth annual Wendy’s High School Heisman Award. The national program, created by Wendy’s, the National As- sociation of Secondary School Principals and the Downtown Athletic Club of New York City, recognizes the academic achievement, community service and athletic accomplishments of high school senior men and women. The announcement of a new name, “Ascension Health,”was the latest milestone reached in the creation of a new health ministry uniting the Daughters of Charity National Health System and the Sisters of Saint Joseph Health System. Sr. Barbara Anne Kilpatrick, R.S.M., of Mercy Center in Baltimore, celebrated her golden jubilee of entrance. Sr. Barbara Anne taught in the Archdiocese of Mobile at St. Ignatius, St. Joan of Arc and St.Mary Cath- olic Schools in Mobile and at the Church of the Assumption in Selma. She was also known as Sr.Mary Malachy, R.S.M. Nearly one year after St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church parishioners in Citro- nelle received the horrible news that their church had burned down, they celebrated ground- breaking ceremonies for a new church because of the efforts of so many. —Anne Baggett compiles in- formation for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile. S C R I P T U R E S E A R C H 9$1&( 0F&2:1 &216758&7,21 &203$1< ,1& *HQHUDO &RQWUDFWRU &RQVWUXFWLRQ 0DQDJHPHQW WK $QQLYHUVDU\ )DLUKRSH $/ ZZZ YPFLQF QHW 3DUWQHULQJ LQ WKH ,QGXVWU\ 6LQFH 6FHQLF +Z\
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