
PAGE 10 THE CATHOLIC WEEK NOVEMBER 15, 2024 CONTACT CLAUDIA SIMS TO ADVERTISE IN THE CATHOLICWEEK CSIMS@MOBARCH.ORG OR 251-434-1543 Each conference of the St. Vin- cent de Paul Society celebrates members who have devoted themselves to serving those in need. Joining Corpus Christi Par- ish pastor Fr. Pat Arensberg (from left) were honorees Steve Du- quette, Ann Mackie and Benicia Springer, along with conference president Patti Hughes, and Sr. Deborah Kennedy, RSM, spiritual adviser. St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Chickasaw recognized Vincentians Angie Wilkie, Gloria Otto and Mary Kay Smith. Above photo courtesy of Elizabeth Gelineau. Left photo submitted by St. Thomas the Apostle Parish ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY RESURRECTION CATHOLIC CHURCH, MONTGOMERY Submitted by Regina Sadler Children's Sabbath was celebrated at Resurrection Catholic Church in Montgomery on Oct. 20. Under the direction of Director of Religious Education Regina Sadler and W. Clifford Petty, director of pastoral musicians and catechists, young people served in various capacities of the Mass. Participants did a beautiful job of leading the parishioners during the celebration and representing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Submitted by Jackie Montgomery The Knights of Peter Claver Ladies Auxiliary, Fr. Manuel Williams Court No. 345 in Montgomery observed National Domestic Vi- olence Awareness Month in October. Members wore purple and shared literature on the signs of domestic violence and steps to be taken for those who find themselves or others as victims. From left: Sr. Patsy Guyton, S.F.C.C., Lady Melvetta Leach-Peck, Lady Mar- tha Varner, Lady Johnetta Johnson and Grand Lady Dr. Rosalind Pijeaux-Hale. KNIGHTS OF PETER CLAVER, LADIES AUXILIARY The Catholic Week Digest Free E-Newsletter Delivered to Your Inbox Every Two Weeks Subscribe at Mobarch.org/TheCatholicWeek