NOVEMBER 15, 2024 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 15 The National Drexel Society, Inc. recently held its 24th Biennial Na- tional Convention, in Houston. The Houston Chapter is the first to host the" in person" convention follow- ing the COVID-19 pandemic. The theme was "Leading with Excellence, Serving with Grace." The Mobile Chapter is proud to announce that the newly elected national president and treasurer are Drexelaire Marcelene Dennis and Felicia McKee respectively. The Mobile delegation in attendance to offer congratulations were Fannie Burden, Jennifer Green, Angela Marks, Suzette McKee, Constance Taylor and Anna Watson, the outgoing national vice president. Submitted by Constance Taylor DREXEL SOCIETY The Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary at Little Flower Parish in Mobile held its first "Murder Mystery Dinner" fundraiser star- ring pastor Fr. John Lynes as "Big Daddy Sugarbaker." Unfortunately, Big Daddy was poisoned and it was up to the audience to determine the motive and murderer. Submitted by Melinda Finan LITTLE FLOWER PARISH, MOBILE ST. DOMINIC CATHOLIC SCHOOL, MOBILE Submitted by McKenzie Jacober St. Dominic Catholic School third-graders recently had an inspiring day meeting Mobile Mayor Sandy Stimpson and learning firsthand about leadership and community.
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