
PAGE 12 THE CATHOLIC WEEK NOVEMBER 29, 2024 S CHOOL S POTLIGHT ST. IGNATIUS CATHOLIC SCHOOL 3650 Springhill Ave. | Mobile, AL 36608 Principal: Tori Miller Grades: ELC-8th Grade school.stignatiusmobile.org (251) 342-5442 Editor's note: This is a series that highlights happenings at one school in theArchdiocese of Mobile. Thisweek's featured school: St. Ignatius Catholic School, Mobile. Photos courtesy of Lauren Pritchett ST. IGNATIUS FORMS LEADERS IN MIND, BODYAND SPIRIT St. Ignatius is a dynamic, challenging and inspiring place. They challenge students in all aspects of life: academics, faith, leadership, community involvement and more. Not only is St. Ignatius building up students in mind, body and spirit but also in friendships and character. St. Ignatius prioritizes the formation of leaders by giving students opportunities to be challenged outside of the classroom while teaching core values inside the classroom. Stu- dents are altar servers, house leaders, mentors, big buddies, leaders of service projects, speak- ers at Mass and pep rallies, and much more. MIND St. Ignatius takes pride in a rigorous academic environment. Students are high achievers thanks in large part to their dedicated teachers. Each teacher is a master of their subject, possessing in-depth knowledge and experience. In addition to empha- sizing core subjects, St. Ignatius intro- duces Latin starting in Kindergarten, STEM centers in Science, and fosters a love of the liberal arts. BODY St. Ignatius prioritizes extracurricular activities during the academic day and beyond. Every single day, students in K-8th take PE, have designated recess time and attend one elective course to stretch their physical and mental muscles. Schedul- ing multiple movement breaks in each academic day enables teachers to set high expectations in the classroom. St. Igna- tius has a strong partner- ship with the CYO sports program and prides itself on being strong competi- tors each year. SPIRIT Faith formation and character development are incorporated in every aspect of a student’s day. Students attend adoration every Tuesday, Mass every Friday, confessions quarterly and are educated through the virtues program in daily campus life. St. Ignatius isn’t just preparing students for high school or college; St. Ignatius is preparing students for heaven.