
PAGE 2 THE CATHOLIC WEEK NOVEMBER 29, 2024 The Catholic Week NOVEMBER 29, 2024 Volume 90, Number 24 Official Publication of the Archdiocese of Mobile Published since 1934 The Catholic Week (USPS 094-660) is published bi-weekly by the Archdiocese of Mobile 356 Government Street Mobile, AL 36602 Periodical Postage Paid at Mobile, Alabama —POSTMASTER— Send address changes to: The Catholic Week, PO Box 349, Mobile, AL 36601 Mobile P.S. Form 3541-N —PUBLISHER— Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi —EDITOR— Robert W. Herbst 251-434-1544 rherbst@mobarch.org —ADVERTISING— Claudia T. Sims 251-434-1543 csims@mobarch.org —OFFICE HOURS— 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday —PHONE NUMBERS— 251-432-3529 FAX: 251-434-1547 —OFFICE ADDRESS— 356 Government Street Mobile, Alabama —MAILING ADDRESS— PO Box 349 • Mobile AL 36601 —WEBSITE— mobarch.org/thecatholicweek —ONLINE EDITION— www.mobarch.org —SUBSCRIPTIONS— Claudia T. Sims 251-434-1543 csims@mobarch.org $22 out-of-parish, and $24 out-of-state. Address all subscription correspondence to The Catholic Week , PO Box 349, Mobile AL 36601. When changing address, renew- ing or inquiring about a subscrip- tion, customer should include a recent address label with old ad- dress and new address and allow four weeks for address change to take effect. DEADLINES for DECEMBER 13, 2024 News copy and photos: DECEMBER 2, 2024, NOON Advertising Camera-ready Ads: DECEMBER 2, 2024, NOON The Office for the Protection of Minors and Adults Reports of abuse should be made to civil authorities in your county. If the report involves a member of the clergy, Archdiocesan employee or lay volunteer, please also notify the Office for the Protection of Minors and Adults at 251-434-1559. If the report of abuse involves a bishop, please notify the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at ReportBishopAbuse.org or 1-800-276-1562. The Archdiocesan Child Protection Policy can be found at mobarch.org/childprotection Baldwin/Escambia Deanery St. Lawrence Parish—(6:30 p.m. 2 nd Tuesday of most months) Jan. 14, Feb. 11, March 11 Mobile Deanery St. Dominic Parish—(6:30 p.m. 4 th Wednesday of most months) Jan. 22, Feb. 26, March 26 Montgomery Deanery Montgomery Catholic High—(6:30 p.m. 4 th Wednesday of most months) Jan. 22, Feb. 26, March 26 Dothan Deanery Training sessions are conducted on an “as needed” basis. Contact your pastor in the Dothan area for more information. BLACK CATHOLIC HISTORY MONTH ByThe CatholicWeek Several celebrations in recognition of November being Black Catholic History Month took place throughout the Archdiocese of Mobile. The archdiocese's Department of Multicultural Ministry ob- served Black Catholic History Month with a special celebration on Nov. 16 at Prince of Peace Parish in Mobile. ArchbishopThomas J. Rodi celebrated Mass (above) and former St. Joseph Maysville pas- tor Fr. Stephen Sohe, S.S.J. served as homilist. Fr. Sohe now serves at a parish in Washington, D.C.The day also included a praise and worship service prior to the Mass and a reception following Mass. Archbishop Rodi also celebrated Mass the following day, Nov. 17, at St. Joseph Parish in Tuskegee (below left). City of St. Jude Parish in Montgomery also hosted a presenta- tion on Nov. 14. Fr. Prentice Tipton (below right) gave a talk and spoke on healing the racial divide with the “fresh blood” of Jesus’s atoning sacrifice which can irrigate the wounds of racism once we do the work of digging down deep into them and exposing all of the junk. Fr.Tipton is the pastor of Prince of Peace Parish in Linwood, Mich. Visit Facebook.com/mobilearchdiocese for more photos Visit mobarch.org/black-catholic-ministry to learn about the six African-Americans who are candidates for canonization