
PAGE 6 THE CATHOLIC WEEK NOVEMBER 29, 2024 By Anne Baggett Looking back Gospel for December 1, 2024 Luke 21: 25-28, 34-36 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Advent, Cycle C: signs of the last days. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. SIGNS THE SUN MOON ON EARTH OF THE SEA WAVE WHAT ISCOMING BE SHAKEN CLOUD POWER GLORY BEGAN RAISE HEARTS DRUNKENNESS LIFE FACE AT ALL TIMES STRENGTH TO ESCAPE STAND ABLE TO STAND W A V E S O N E A R T H C H O D S F C L O U D T A N A B N T D T I R H G N W L T G H O N U F E N E K Y L I E U N J G E E K L A F S S K J O L F R A I L C E E C A F O G T H S A H N A J O F R M S S P T N A G E B M Y Y H E R E P O W E R A I S E B S T R A E H S T A N D S E M I T L L A T A B G © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com Gospel for December 8, 2024 Luke 3:1-6 Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Advent, Cycle C: The Holy Land at the time of John’s ministry. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle. YEAR PILATE GOVERNOR TETRARCH GALILEE HIS BROTHER PHILIP LYSANIUS PRIESTHOOD ANNAS WORD JOHN ZECHARIAH SINS BOOK PROPHET ISAIAH VOICE PREPARE STRAIGHT ALL FLESH PROPHECY FULFILLED H A I R A H C E Z B O J C S T R A I G H T O D O R D E R O N R E V O G H A D H L W K W J O K I N R E P I F O P H I L I P T R O L R L T H Y V S I E A R D A S L S D V A L T P P H E D A A O Y I A R E R I Y N S I N S A T F R R J I M C H O N H E K P F U M E E L I L A G H I S B R O T H E R M S © 2024 TRI-C-A Publications; tri-c-a-publications.com 50 Years Almost 10,000 people at- tended the Solemnity of Christ the King diocesan celebration at Mobile Municipal Auditorium. Clergy appointments included: Fr.Timothy Deasy, pastor, St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Atmore; Fr. Paul Morin, S.S.E., pastor St. Joseph Parish, Camden; and Fr.Thomas Weise, first resident pastor, St. Agatha Parish, Bay Minette. Sr. Elizabeth Lewis, CSJ, was named to serve as director of youth ministry for the diocese. St. Bede Catholic School student council officers: Diane Mayhan, president; Randal Biesley, vice president; and Meg Wakefield, secretary-treasurer. Members of the McGill- Toolen Catholic High School boys’ varsity basketball: Benton Betbeze, Joseph Crow, Derrick Merriweather, Dominic Hous- ton, Steve Toomey,Tofey Leon, Nelson Summerlin,Milton Jackson,Walter White, Leo Johnson,Mike Wilson,Mark Shelley, Rayford Campbell and Derrick Simpson, coached by Denzil Hollis. About 30 catechists from Grove Hill,Thomasville, Butler, Jackson and Monroeville par- ticipated in a day of prayer and reflection at Camp Maubila. Newly elected members of St. Bede Catholic Church parish council: Ralph Heibel, presi- dent; Bruno Parducci, vice presi- dent; Mary Lucido, secretary; Fr. Francis Cusack, pastor, Fr. David McGuinness, associate pas- tor; Richard Flaherty; Charles Grant; Dan Downess; Sr.Mary Ann Dardy; Joan Bowen; Joan Plumlee; Jim Powers; Ceceila Beasley and Diane Dent. Reigning over the 27th an- nual Toy Bowl festivities were Queen Sylvia Guanno and King Kevin Walch of St. Dominic Catholic School. 25 Years Oscar H. Lipscomb, Arch- bishop of Mobile, celebrated the Christ the King Mass at Cathedral Square. Mother Catherine of Christ the King, O.C.D., past prior- ess and the last of four original founding members of the Carmelite Monastery in Mobile, died at the age of 96. Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb celebrated a Mass of Rededication at Sacred Heart Chapel at the Visitation Mon- astery in Mobile. It took more than a year and almost $1 mil- lion to restore the chapel. The convent was founded in 1832 by Bishop Michael Portier. Sr. Agatha Schoos, O.P., 90, died in Dubuque, Iowa. Sr. Ag- atha was an elementary school teacher, principal and tutor for 66 years. She served the Arch- diocese of Mobile at St.Thomas the Apostle, Chickasaw. Her Funeral Mass was celebrated at Blessed Trinity Shrine Chapel. The 25th year of the Mo- bile Area Christian/Jewish Dialogue opened with a talk by Dr. Eugene Fisher, entitled “Christian-Jewish Relations; Ad Multos Annos.” Dr. Fisher was the associate director of the Secretariat for Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. The McGill-Toolen Catholic High School Volleyball team went 7-0 at the Alabama/Loui- siana Challenge, making their overall record 46-2. Sophomore Marissa Washington and senior Laine Garvin made the all tour- nament team and senior Kneckie Stallsworth was named most valuable player. Homecoming court escorts at McGill-Toolen Catholic High School: Harrison Hawke, Adam Jarvis, Reade Loper, Jack Johnson, Daniel Pocase,Will Demeranville, Phillip Calagaz, Kenny Wright, Geo Dickinson and Whit Whitfield. Barbara Vasiloff of “Disci- pline with Purpose”Program presented certificates honoring parents, faculty and students of Little Flower and St. Ignatius Catholic Schools in Mobile. Principals were Sr.Mary Joyce Bringer, C.C.J. and Jan Murray, respectively. The 64th annual ACCW convention was in Montgomery. Archbishop Oscar H. Lipscomb was the celebrant of the open- ing Mass at Our Lady Queen of Mercy Parish. Anna Crow served as archdiocesan president. —Anne Baggett compiles in- formation for Looking Back from past issues of this newspaper. Anne is a member of St. Mary Parish in Mobile. S C R I P T U R E S E A R C H . ,.#(!5 . ,5 ",#-.' - /=8C > 8*5=:C .5=83$A:C )52$C ;5C ;)$C 58#C 8$C : =3*7=$C :C 5=8C &*3($868*3;: C )AC #*#C ?$C 0$ >$ C )AC #*#C ?$C 8$;=83 ) 8*3(C*:C$3"5=8 ($#C!=;C35;C8$7=*8$# 5?C8$;=83*3(C ;)50*":C" 3C(85?C*3C& *;)C 3#C$>$3C 0$ #C:52$C5&C5=8C25:;C*2658; 3;C2*3*:;8*$: C 5?C 8$C?$C$ ")C" 00$#C*3C 5=8C#*&&$8$3;C? A:C;5C05>$C 3#C:$8>$C;)$C 58# C $:=:C6$8:53 00AC( >$C=:C *:C "8 2$3;:C :C5=;? 8#C :*(3:C5&C *:C05>$C 3#C(8 "$C;5C)$06C=:C(85?C*3C& *;) C )*:C:$::*53C?*00C $26) :*B$C;)$C "8 2$3;C5&C2$"53"*0* ;*53 C;)$C( ;$? 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Volunteers work to ensure that judges have all the information they need to make the most well-informed decisions for each child. More volunteers are desperately needed. There's a child waiting for someone like you. CASA Mobile conducts several new volunteer training courses each year. If you believe you are ready to change a child's story please visit casamobile.org to find out more or call 251-574-5277. HOPE NEEDS A HELPING HAND. Become a CASA volunteer!