
SEPTEMBER 15, 2017 THE CATHOLIC WEEK PAGE 9 Bridal Shopper Wedding & Event Rentals 6DOHV#0RELOH3RSFRUQ FRP ZZZ0RELOH3RSFRUQ FRP 9LVLW 2XU 6KRZURRP & &RWWDJH +LOO 5G 0RELOH $/ The Ezell House the perfect setting for your perfect event 5HFHSWLRQV ‡ 3DUWLHV ‡ /XQFKHRQV $FFRPPRGDWHV *XHVWV ‡ &RXUW\DUG ZLWK IRXQWDLQ ‡ 2QH EORFN IURP WKH &DWKHGUDO &RQWL 6WUHHW ‡ ‡ ZZZ H]HOOKRXVH FRP the perfect s r ur perfect event Melanie Zoghby Cummins Fabulous Music & Bands Exquisite Weddings Professional Wedding Planner Mobile’s most beloved wedding singer o Ɖ ers over 30 years of elegance and experience to coordinate your dream wedding with ease! 251-463-4612 melaniezoghbycummins.com